Marlborough Office

Oral Surgery in Milford MA

Anytime you undergo a surgical procedure, you want to make sure that you’re in trustworthy hands.  If you need oral surgery in Milford, you can count on Union Dental in Milford. Dr Tony Tong is a skilled dentist with over two decades of experience. Our office specializes in extractions, root canals, apicoectomies, implants and other surgical procedures.

Tooth Extractions

Do you have a tooth that needs to be removed? Visit our Milford office to learn how Dr Tong’s skill and expertise can make the process as easy as possible. We can take care of all sorts of extractions, from simple to complex.

That includes wisdom tooth extraction. Even if you have wisdom teeth with full bony impaction, we can remove them. If you’re currently experiencing pain or inflammation because of these teeth, you’ll appreciate the difference that extraction can make.

Root Canals

Your teeth are hard on the outside, but there’s soft tissue inside. Injury or decay can cause this tissue to become infected. When that happens, you may need a root canal. That’s a procedure to clear out the infected material and replace it with a filling. Afterward, dentists often place a crown on the treated tooth.

Most general dentists perform root canals, but molar root canals require special expertise. The team at Union Dental can handle root canals anywhere in your mouth. Whether you have a front tooth in need of repair or one way at the back of your mouth, we can provide the care that you need.


Like a root canal, an apicoectomy treats the inside of your tooth. This surgery is also known as a root-end resection. To perform it, the dentist goes through your gums to the tip of the tooth root. The tip is removed, and a filling is placed there.

Some people need apicoectomies as a follow-up after root canal treatment. If your dentist recommends this procedure, it’s smart to listen. Otherwise, you may lose that tooth. Fortunately, apicoectomies performed by a skilled dentist like Dr Tong are usually successful at preserving the affected teeth

Dental Implants

If your teeth are extracted or fall out, traditional dentures aren’t the only option. Instead, you may qualify for dental implants, which are titanium posts that bond to your jawbone. Implants can support dental crowns or snap-in dentures.

Implants are best for people whose natural teeth are missing or significantly decayed. If your teeth have good roots, but you wish they were more attractive, consider dental veneers instead. Veneers cover the front of your teeth to give you a beautiful smile.

Exposure and Bracketing

Normally, baby teeth fall out, and the permanent teeth move in to take their place. Sometimes, though, the adult teeth don’t erupt as they should. In that case, your oral surgeon may perform an exposure and bracketing procedure.

This involves going through the gum to access the hidden tooth. Then, the surgeon can attach a bracket with a chain. The chain connects to your braces or other orthodontia. Over time, the impacted tooth will be guided into its proper position.


Having a tooth removed can affect the shape of your jawbone. Yours may need to be reshaped in a procedure known as an alveoplasty. This can be especially important if you plan to get dental implants.

Sometimes, an oral surgeon will perform an alveoplasty in conjunction with a tooth extraction. Other times, the procedure will be performed later. Dr Tong can provide recommendations about whether you will need a reshaping procedure and when it should be done.

Tori Treatment

Some patients develop excess bone growths along their upper or lower jaws. These growths are known as tori. They can become uncomfortable or make it hard to keep your teeth clean.

If that happens, you may need to have the tori reduced or removed. Many patients are good candidates for laser oral surgery to remove the growths.

At our Union Dental offices in Marlborough, Worcester, Shrewsbury and Milford, we also perform 3D CT imaging and biopsy cancer screenings. Schedule your oral surgery appointment with Dr Tong today.

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What Our Patients Are Saying About Us...

"This being my favorite all time Dentist and Staff. Finally a Group of Hygentist and Doctors that truly care and go above and beyond for their patients. The staff at the front desk are amazing.
- Debbie C.
"We will always come back here . Have been coming here for yrs. Sue is excellent. Always does a great job with my kids.
- Sara S.
To learn more about our cosmetic dentistry care or to request an appointment, please call one of our offices. 
We are looking forward to meeting you and creating your beautiful new smile. 

Our offices in Worcester, Shrewsbury, Marlborough and Milford are convenient not only to these communities but also to our neighbors in Framingham, Northborough, Westborough, Southborough, Hudson, Bolton, Berlin, Boylston, West Boylston, Grafton, North Grafton, Holden, Paxton, Leicester, Auburn and Milbury.

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